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When you take the time and effort to set up an ecommerce store, you automatically hope that it is going to make plenty of sales. However, if this is not the case, you need to investigate what is going on and set about fixing the problem as quickly as you possibly can. Otherwise, you are going to find yourself in serious difficulty. So, here are a few of the common reasons why this may be the case. 

Ecommerce Store

1. Bad Imagery and Product Descriptions 

First of all, it may all come down to the fact that the imagery on your site is simply not up to scratch and the product descriptions do not do them justice. If you have snapped everything on your smartphone, and not even thought about details such as the lighting, now may be the time to call in the professionals to take care of it for you.

Similarly, if the product descriptions are full of basic grammatical and spelling errors, you certainly need to get all of these tidied up. Not only does this look unprofessional, but it can also harm your business from a search engine optimization perspective as well. 

2. Your Ecommerce Store have a Difficult Checkout System

If you choose to contact an agency such as, one of the areas that they will seek to sort out straight away is the checkout system. After all, if your customers are not actually able to get to the place where they can make a purchase, this is going to present a major issue.

This means creating a clear shopping basket icon, as well as accepting a wide range of payment options to ensure that you cast your net as widely as possible. People are not as patient as they once were on the internet and if they encounter any difficulties along the way, it is much more likely that they are going to click away from your site and not return again to complete their purchase at all. 

3. High Extra Costs 

Often, people are definitely willing to make a purchase, but they end up being put off by the additional costs such as the shipping rates. To get around this key first purchase, you may want to offer a discounted rate of shipping to begin with. Alternatively, you could try signing people up for a subscription service in which the costs are mitigated. Ultimately, people are always going to be on the lookout for what they perceive to be a good deal, so it makes sense that you give it to them in any way that you are able to. 

4. Poor Promotion 

It may seem obvious to say it, but if people are not able to actually find your website in the first place, they are not going to be able to make purchases from it! Therefore, you need to spend plenty of time and attention on the successful marketing of your ecommerce store in a way that brings people to it successfully and repeatedly.

5. Bad SEO Ranking

Every website needs good SEO. But for an ecommerce store, SEO is the most important part of your marketing. People should be able to easily find your ecommerce store from any search engine.

6. Social Media Followers

Create Pages/Profiles on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc and try to post almost everyday with your product images, video, etc. Hire Social Media Influencers to promote your products. People always check customer review on social media pages before trying a new ecommerce store.


From 2021 the whole online business has taken a huge change. More people are working from home and due to that, they are purchasing from online stores more and more. So the competition is huge now. In other hand this is also the perfect time to gain new customers for any new business. Social Media Engagement is top most priority.

Best of Luck!

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