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Over a decade ago, Ebay made famous the practice of hosting online auctions.

Since that time, hundreds of millions of people around the globe have participated in one way or the other. As technology has evolved in this area, so have the opportunities available for individuals looking to host their own auction. If that is where you find yourself right now, keep reading to learn how to use WordPress to build your own online auction site.


Get the Latest WordPress Update Installed

The first step in creating an online auction on this platform is to make sure that you have installed the Ultimate WordPress Auction Plugin. Once you do that, go ahead and activate it. As soon as that is done, you will find that the plugin creates a new menu item on your site that is labeled’ Ultimate Auction’. You will find this in the administration area of your WordPress site. Go ahead and navigate yourself there and then click on it. That will take you to the settings page.

The settings page is rather important, as that is where you set the parameters of the auctions that you plan to hold. You will want to begin by selecting the currency of choice and how you want to allow others to pay you. Do note that the WordPress auction site will default to PayPal as the preferred payment method, but you can also choose payment by check or wire transfer. Make sure that you save any changes to your currency and payment method selections. For PayPal, you will want to enter your PayPal address so that you can be paid. Similar information will be requested if you choose to be paid by check or wire transfer.

When You Are Ready to Add a New Auction

This is what you have been waiting for. To add a new auction to your WordPress site, you will just want to click on the ‘Add Auction’ tab. This is also located in the Ultimate Auction menu that was added when you activated the plugin. You will be asked to enter a name for you auction, and then there will be a place for you to enter a long description of the auction that you plan to hold. There are also options to provide an even shorter description and to added pictures or videos if you so choose.

After you have completed this step, you will want to further define the terms of your auction by including such items as an opening price, the minimum bid that you will allow, a buy it now price, and an end time for the auction. Once you have done this, remember to save your entire changes.An example is Bidvine. Bidvine are a lead site where users can bid for jobs.

Taking Your Auction live

Since you have the WordPress plugin already installed, you do not need a separate auction theme. You will just want to publish the page that you have created and the site will take care of the rest in the background. You can now sit back and watch as the bidding begins.