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If you tried selling only but failed to generate sales, then perhaps your pages aren’t compelling enough.

That’s where eCommerce conversion rate optimization comes in.

How do you create an eCommerce site that converts? Where do you start?

These are some of the many questions we’ll answer.

A Quick Guide to Creating a High-Converting Ecommerce Site

It takes time to figure out how to create a high-converting eCommerce site, but it’s not impossible. If you have limited eCommerce and web design knowledge, this guide will help lead you in the right direction.

Make Your Site Easy to Navigate

A well-designed e-commerce site should be easy to navigate. The easier it is to browse, compare and purchase products, the more likely visitors convert.

Navigation is a vital component for a high-converting eCommerce site. 

For example, if you’re selling aba data collection software for small practices, you should directly point your customers to your product page without confusing them.

You want your customers to find their way around quickly and efficiently so they can find what they’re looking for without getting frustrated or distracted by other things on your site.

Include product reviews

Product reviews are one of the essential factors in making a buying decision, according to a recent survey by BrightLocal.

A whopping 92% of consumers read online reviews when researching a purchase. And 67% said they are more likely to buy from a site with product reviews.

On top of that, 84% of consumers find it helpful to see what other people think about a product before making a purchase decision.

Create a High-Converting Ecommerce Site with these 8 Essential Tips 1

Moreover, they can be very effective if you structure them and present them correctly. Product reviews say more than cold, complex data. 

They tell an emotional story that resonates with customers on the fence about making a purchase.

Write descriptive product titles and descriptions

A product’s title should indicate what it is, who it’s aimed at, and what it does. 

The description should detail what makes the product unique and why people should buy it. The better clarity you can provide on these points, the more likely customers are to buy from you.

This is especially important for SaaS eCommerce. Service is not tangible, making it difficult to present its value to customers. 

For example, if you’re selling a test case management software that manages testing activities, you need to list exactly the value of your solution and how a customer would benefit from it. 

People are drawn to products that are clearly explained and described. If you want them to buy, use descriptions that tell them what the product is and what it does without being overly promotional.

Include a FAQ page

A FAQ(Frequently Answered Questions) page is a simple yet effective tool for answering questions on your site’s behalf. 

Create a High-Converting Ecommerce Site with these 8 Essential Tips 2
Source: Microsoft

Have you ever left a site because you couldn’t find answers to your questions? That could be happening with your site right now.

Your FAQ page will be able to answer common questions, like shipping and delivery, return policies, and other considerations. 

If you don’t have a FAQ page yet, your potential customers might leave your site and never return because they’re not getting the answers they need.

Start Ecommerce blogging

Ecommerce blogging is a great way to promote your products, build your brand, and generate sales. You can attach a blog page to your eCommerce site. 

Your goal should be to create content that will help people make better decisions and solve their problems. 

Depending on your niche, this could mean publishing articles about how to select the right razor for shaving sensitive skin or how to find the best acne cream for teens with sensitive skin.

If you can provide this type of content engagingly, you’ll be more likely to attract readers and keep them coming back for more.

There are a lot of  online content writing tips if you don’t know where or how to start. It’s also essential to monitor your traffic through content tracking to ensure you’re getting the right traffic. 

Add a “Contact Us” page

Create a High-Converting Ecommerce Site with these 8 Essential Tips 3

Getting caught up in the hustle and bustle of running an online business is easy. 

But if you don’t take a step back once in a while to see how your customers are interacting with your site, then you won’t know what areas need improvement or what needs to be changed.

One way to do this is by adding a contact us page on your site where customers can ask questions or leave feedback about their experience with your business. 

This allows you to address any issues they might have had with their purchase or service to satisfy their overall experience buying from your store.

Giving your customers the ability to get in touch with you or provide feedback is an integral part of any business.

Use high-quality product images

Product images are essential to the conversion process. A professional quality image showcases your product, so it’s clear, clean, and easy to understand what you offer.

The product images are more than just simple images. They are your first chance to make a good impression on a potential customer. 

They will decide if they will click on the product and whether or not it is worth their time to research further.

Make the checkout process simple and secure

Create a High-Converting Ecommerce Site with these 8 Essential Tips 4
Source: Stripe

The checkout process is the last step in your customer’s buying journey, and it has to be simple, secure, and quick. 

If a customer’s cart is abandoned because of a complicated checkout, it can cost you valuable sales.

Customers should easily understand how to complete checkout without accidentally making an error along the way. The simpler the process is for them, the more likely they will complete it.

Ready to start converting more customers?

Ultimately, creating a high-converting eCommerce site is all about understanding what the customer is looking for and then delivering that experience.

When attempting to sell your products online, you must balance keeping things simple and making them desirable. 

There is no secret recipe for creating a successful eCommerce site, but the best sites follow a thoughtful structure and give attention to each component of the experience.