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Accessibility is an essential part for your Website.

Its care your Website to make your visitors eye catchy and more acceptable. Today we present some most important and popular Tools and Tips where you can check Accessibility of your Website. Try these and Enjoy!

Colour Contrast Check

The Colour Contrast Check Tool allows specifying a foreground and a background colour and determining if they provide enough of a contrast when viewed by someone having color deficits or when viewed on a black and white screen.

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Accessibility Valet Demonstrator

All the HTML reporting options display your markup in a normalized form, highlighting valid, deprecated and bogus markup, as well as elements which are misplaced.

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Colour Contrast Analyser Firefox Extension

Determining the color contrast between foreground and background colors is a time consuming task, but is greatly aided by color contrast analysers.

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Accessibility Favelets

When designing a web page, you will often use id attributes in

tags to enable precise positioning using Cascading Style Sheets. This favelet highlights ALL

tags with a red border and reveals the id of that div.

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WAVE- web accessibility evaluation tool

WAVE is a free web accessibility evaluation tool provided by WebAIM. It is used to aid humans in the web accessibility evaluation process. Rather than providing a complex technical report, WAVE shows the original web page with embedded icons and indicators that reveal the accessibility of that page.

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Quick Accessibility Page Tester

While there are some excellent accessibility toolbars that you can add to your browser, and also numerous online validators that you can use, sometimes the wealth and breadth of the tools on offer can actually be a bit overwhelming.

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Accessibility Color Wheel

Choose a foreground color by pointing the mouse over the wheel or the grey bar and click. Then click the “Background” button and choose a background color the same way. If OK becomes visible here below the color pair is good for accessibility.

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TAW3 online

TAW is a tool for the analysis of Web sites, based on the W3C – Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 (WCAG 1.0)

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Web Accessibility Toolbar

Information about which toolbar functions (if any) are useful in assessing conformance to theWCAG 1.0 checkpoints.

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Web Accessibility Checker

This tool checks single HTML pages for conformance with accessibility standards to ensure the content can be accessed by everyone. See the Handbook link to the upper right for more about the Web Accessibility Checker.

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It is a tool for checking foreground and background color combinations of all DOM elements and determining if they provide sufficient contrast when viewed by someone having color deficits.

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Vischeck is a way of showing you what things look like to someone who is color blind. You can try Vischeck online- either run Vischeck on your own image files or run Vischeck on a web page. You can also download programs to let you run it on your own computer.

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Web Accessibility Checker

The Stanford Online Accessibility Program’s Web Accessibility Checker is a programmatic tool that can analyze individual web pages and test for various access barriers that may be present. It can check live code via URL, or you my supply a working file for evaluation. The Checker produces a report of all accessibility problems for your selected guidelines.

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