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UX Design or in specific terms, user experience as rendered by a business holds tremendous value. When defining the term, user experience is regarded as the outcome of the interaction a user has with a particular website. In other words, UX is the feeling a customer has after using a website.  The extent of the satisfaction a user drives determines the value a brand holds in the market.

Given the above, it is important that every business prioritize UX above all other factors promoting the growth of a business. Having said it is pretty clear that no matter what your business is, UX Design is an important part of overall success.

But why?

UX Design

Why is that user experience is so important or so crucial for any business?

Influence Of UX Design In Business

If you run an online business and seek to create a digital presence, such as Clay Global, you would have already created a website. An excellent design backed by effective content, your website is all set to create history. However, having an appealing content or a fancy design isn’t enough to attract customers. As a matter of fact, it is not the appearance of the website alone but the entire experience gained by a customer or the opinion held by a user after leaving the website that counts. Better the experience, the higher is the satisfaction and greater the brand value.

Embedding an excellent UX design streamlines the overall app navigation while offering the ease to seamlessly connect with a brand. It is proven that websites that have a user-specific design not only experience higher traffic but at the same time, witness a sharp rise in the conversion rates. In layman’s term, an UX design ensures friction-free engagement between the brand and the user.

Having said the above, it is pretty clear that UX can drive the success of an organization. While the majority of the marketers believe in the potential of an efficient UX, some still doubt the credibility and pose a question, why UX?

Now, stating a one-liner to shed light on the benefits of UX would not be justified. Hence, we shape the given article in a way that argues the importance of UX in any business.

Why Is UX Design Important For Your Business?

As stated earlier, UX is the feelings of a user as associated with a product or a brand. And the UX design is a crucial part of the development that prioritizes how to use a product instead of how does that product looks like. To put it this way, if a customer has to make a purchase from a particular website, the series of steps involved in finding a product to buying and paying for the item count for the user experience. For an organization to ensure a positive user experience, it is important that the interface is both simple and easy to use.

In case a user has to struggle with finding a product or making a payment, no matter how good the product is, he/she is more likely to switch to a different brand. Now, this is what I call the power of an efficient UX design.

Well, this is just the abstract view on the importance of UX, the real picture has a lot more to exemplify.

UX Design Involves Prototyping ~ Reduction Of Developmental Cost

One of the most important aspects of an app is developed. If you are low in budget, you would not want to spend flawlessly in the development phase. However, if the final product isn’t up to the market standards, you are bound to make changes and this is definitely going to cost you high. On the contrary, an efficient UX design help developers indulge in processes of prototyping and usability testing.

Meaning that before developing the final product, a dummy of the proposed app is created and shared in the market for testing in real-time. This helps developers gain user feedback which is then used to remodel the product and also assure that the acceptance rate of the final product is high. All of this saves a lot of developmental time, thereby reducing the overall cost and benefiting your organization on a whole.

UX Design Optimizes The Buying Process ~ Increased Revenue

UX designers prioritize the interface provided by an app for navigation and in the sense that while designing the page, they always keep the expectations of customers in the loop. This ensures that the designed interface is capable of converting visitors to long term customers.

The fact that an effective UX design embeds an easy to use interface and also reduces the total number of steps involved in website engagement, customers are more like to end up buying or ordering something from the website that has a monetary significance. For websites that have a poor or a clumsy interface, the bounce rate is higher. On the contrary, websites that provide seamless interaction happen to witness an increase in revenue with greater conversion and retention rates.

UX Design Embeds Long Term Relations ~ Enhanced Customer Loyalty

As mentioned in the above stanza, an effective UX design owns the capability of retaining customers. As a matter of fact, user experience determines the extent of satisfaction a customer feels after using a product or post engaging with a website. The higher the satisfaction, the better is the experience. Needless to state, if a customer feels contented after using a product, he/she is more like to revisit the website or re-engage with your business.

Also, when a customer likes a particular product, he/she has the tendency of sharing their experiences with others. This leads to a greater online presence and also, increases the trust laid by a customer in your brand. In a nutshell, investing in UX design is a win-win for both the customer and the organization.

So, if you are planning to invest in UX design, you must be aware of design thinking concept. Because, only if you know the power of excellent designs, they can work for your users.

Head to this comprehensive article on “The Power Of Design Thinking“.

UX Design Promotes Sharing – Greater Customer Engagement

Of all the different kinds of marketing tools, word-of-mouth happens to be the most successful and apparently, the reliable one. Websites that offer an excellent experience to its customers, increase the customer’s trust. Further, when a user trusts a particular brand, it enhances the possibility of the user sharing his/her experience with its friends and other acquaintances. This leads to greater visibility and likewise, higher engagement with the customers on a global level.

The Final Word

On a whole, offering customers the ease to engage with the brand builds positive experiences which further drives sales and boosts overall revenue. Rightly said, Customer is the king and hence, it is important that organizations shift their focus from being revenue driven to customer-specific and witness an upsurge in their business value on the go.