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Why are people ranting and raving about mobile-friendliness and responsive web development?

These are the reasons why…
Mobile usage will continue to proliferate in the coming years
People are hilarious about the new Apple smart watch and in coming days Google glass will also take over market. But what about your business site? Is it ready to perform well on all the platforms? Google search traffic from mobile devices is tremendously increasing and holds about 20 percent of it. Moreover with the rapid growth of mobile phones in the market it can be estimated that 2015 will break all records.


With mobility being talk of the town, Google the prime search engine has also made responsive as the standard web design for all the websites and is about to launch mobilegeddon. It is exacted that it will have a greater impact than the previous algorithms namely Penguin and Panda.


In order to join the league you can opt for the following tools for Magento eCommerce website

1) Tenfoot


Tenfoot is one of the best choice for those who want to upgrade their websites to mobile friendly responsive version. With it you can easily create a responsive version of your eCommerce store built on magento. With this service you get the leverage to build your online store with large font size, life like navigation through the WebPages and impressive touch gestures support. Tenfoot comes in different packages and each of them varies due to their functionality and costing. Its premium version will let you
• Install a free setup,
• Allows unrestricted user visits
• Phone support for mails
• Unlimited SKUs
• A comprehensive web app and iOS app for itunes
• All this with zero transaction fees!
Tenfoot is available in the market for a tariff range of $29 – $219 per month. All those who belong to Magento Community edition 1.5+ can make use of this incredible service.

2) CouchCommerce


CouchCommerce is another most sought after technology which helps online business owners to go mobile. It is an Open source web technology which can convert your Magento eCommerce to mobile friendly websites. It also works as a service on special SaaS based enterprise solutions or as a self-hosted. Software as services offers integration with 3rd party software’s, support and scalability, SLA and continuous updates and optimization. You can avail it just by paying 30 euro cent for each transaction or €3000 as monthly rental.

3) Mobify


Mobify easily gets integrated to your online store without influencing your current software. It functions with the presentation layer of your web store and makes sure that it acclimatizes with the device size such as a phablet or smartphone which in turn provides a seamless shopping experience to your customers. On the whole these services majorly rely on predicting loading technology.

4) Shopgate


Shopgate is another major toolkit which transforms your Magento based eCommerce store into mobile friendly site. It allows you to create a mobile version and a navtive app with ease. With Shopgate you get to incorporate these following incredible features in your mobile friendly app online stores:
• You store will get the QR code scanners
• Mobile Image Recognition
• In-Store Pickup and Payment
• Mobile Coupons and many more.
• Store locators
• Order Tracking
• Push Notifications
• Returns and Exchanges
• Order Tracking
• Bar-code
• Daily deals fostering personalization
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