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A website isn’t always built by a web tech or a rocket scientist.

Regular people need to build a website for a multitude of reasons. They may be opening a business, planning a wedding, writing a blog, or looking for a job. Whatever the reason, being able to build the website themselves is appealing and almost necessary. It isn’t prudent to pay for someone to build each and every website a person may need, and there are cheaper options.
A person looking to build a website can go online or order software to help them build the websites themselves. Doing this ensures the website is done when and how the user needs, as well as helps with sticking to the builders budget. Reaching your website goal is just a click away.

Here you go

The pros and cons of a DIY Website Builder 1


Other than the above pros of getting what you need on your own budget, there are a few more benefits to a DIY website builder. Typical websites are easy to set up, so you can do it on your own. You don’t need to have extensive knowledge of website building, or really any, to use software that helps you build your personal website. You can start with a basic builder and if you determine that you need more options you can upgrade to a hosted website, still with the website you built using the DIY website builder. This way you have options and aren’t trapped with a website you can’t really use but you don’t have to start all over. All of this really depends on what you want to do with your website, though. If you’re starting with a basic website a simple DIY builder should be just fine. If you need a lot of widgets and tools and have no knowledge on how to build a website you’ll need more than a simple builder.


The first obvious con of a DIY website builder would be the one listed above. A basic builder isn’t good for advanced website options. Also, if it crashes you’re on your own. You build it, you fix it. With a hosted site you have the benefit of a company backing up your site with just a monthly payment of a small fee. If you build the site yourself you must monitor it and you could even be forced to pay extra costs to correct the issues if it crashes. Also, you need to consider where you’ll host the site. There are companies that allow free hosting, but some do not allow a third-party builder’s site, while others may close their hosting site without telling you. Since it’s free, they have that option and then you’re left scrambling to find a new hosting site that will accept your already built webpage.

There are pros to a DIY website builder, depending on what you need, but there are many things to consider other than your budget, goals, and ability to build a site. If you think you can deal with hosting issues, a DIY builder could be a great fit for you.