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Before looking at the Must Have Non Profit Website Design Features, first let us look at what features should a good website design have.

Non Profit Website Design
Photo by Christopher Gower on Unsplash

An essential marketing tool for all organizations is their website. Designing a website consists of various materials. Web design involves graphic design, user interface design, coding, software development, experience design, and rapid search. It also deals with technical aspects that contribute to the functionality of the website. Web design involves a wide array of skills. These skills are useful for the creation of the site, along with its maintenance.

In this day and age, all organizations have their respective websites. The same goes for nonprofit organizations. These organizations initially revolve around social issues. Some nonprofits advocate for one particular social issue, such as fighting against domestic violence. Profit is not their priority. From an economic point of view, these organizations use their surplus revenue to achieve their ultimate goal. 

Websites are vital for your organization’s promotion. Nonprofit sites are the best medium for spreading awareness regarding social issues. They are also the best way to create a presence for your brand online. Disseminating information about your brand and what it stands for can lead to a considerable amount of exposure. It can help you connect with volunteers who believe in your point of view. You can spread information about current donations and fundraisers.

A non profit website needs to have features such as easy navigations, attractive logo, bright colors, and eye-catching designs. Your nonprofit website needs to be user friendly. It would help if you had specific tools to build a useful and engaging website. You can easily access these tools through a website designer for nonprofits and can avail of many options.

10 Features That a Non Profit Website Must Have

1. Accessible Search Engine

Websites contain a lot of information. Most of the time, people will visit your site to gather information about a specific service that you offer. Nobody will have the time to go through all of your content to find that particular topic. So you must have an easily accessible search engine. This way, visitors can type in whatever they are looking for, such as fundraisers or current donations. The search engine does need to be flashy. Place a white search box at the top of the page. 

2. News Section 

Nonprofit organizations are always working on new projects. Since the main objective is to advocate for a current social issue, a lot of passion goes into their work. People need to stay updated regarding your organization’s activities. The best way to do this is to create and upload new blog posts on your website. These blog posts can contain new and upcoming programs, your recent fundraiser, and statistics about the impact your organization is making.

3. User-Friendly Design

Nowadays everything is done on a mobile phone. It is the most convenient way to stay connected and informed. Nonprofit organizations need to make their website adaptable to mobile phones. This way, users can easily navigate their way through the page on their phones. There are specific tools that you can use to test and enhance the efficiency of your website.

4. Social Media Links

Social media makes the world go round. If you want maximum exposure to your audience, add links to social media accounts on your web page. You need to make sure you list these accounts in your news section. That is a way of giving credibility to your blog content. You can gain your audience’s trust by redirecting them to verified social media accounts. Your visitors can also share and promote your information on their accounts. It can help spread the name of your brand and gain more popularity.

5. Visually Stimulating Content

No-one has the patience to read long paragraphs. The attention span of this generation does not allow them to consume specific content. You need to make your non profit website visually engaging by adding more pictures and videos rather than words.

6. CTA

For the first time, people who visit your website need guidance on how to navigate the bulk information. You need to have a clear call to action. Every visitor must do a CTA when they open up your web site. A CTA should be about visitors joining your upcoming events or programs. If you are currently promoting a fundraiser, then your CTA should be about donations.

Also check out Donorbox’s donation page best practices for nonprofits.

7. Contact Details

Your contact mediums should be as diverse as your donors. Offer your donors different methods to communicate with you. Older people would be comfortable with contacting you through the phone. On the other hand, younger people prefer to communicate through social media such as Facebook or Instagram.

8. Staff Details

The users of your website must know about your organization and its employees. You must highlight the skills and experiences of your staff. It increases the level of trust, credibility, and confidence between you and your users. Trusting an online persona can be daunting. If your users have detailed information about you and your workers, they will feel more at ease.

9. Engaging Design

Responsive designs allow you to adapt your non profit website to changes like the screen size. That means your users can easily access and view your website on any device. Without this feature, users may find it hard to navigate or view your content.

10. Keep It Simple

Simplicity is the key to having a successful website. Your website must be well structured and categorized. Avoiding complexities will make it convenient for users to understand your content—the menu falls into sections with content related to a specific topic.


Although there are countless web development resources on the web covering almost every single aspect of web design and development, however web design is not an easy task. You must be aware of your viewer’s preferences as well as the current trends. Your non profit website must be relevant and attractive. A nonprofit organization needs to build an online presence to spread as much information regarding its programs as possible.