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There are many aspiring iOS developers.

How will you stand out of the lot and be a good one? Well, there are plenty of resources today. It could both be a boon and a bane since it is plausible to go missing in the ocean of information. Hence, in this article we try to put down a road map for you. This map would certainly help you save the most precious resource that is time. Assuming that you have no experience in programming at all, the map is made but is still very helpful for someone who’s already a programmer. It is going to be in a quick flow and to the point so that you can begin the very moment. All said and done, let’s start!


Checkpoint 1) Know the basics

Having the Xcode software would not suffice. Neither should you begin your programming after you watch course videos on computer coding languages which aren’t structured well. There are often chances of information going amiss. This is certainly not recommended. Since every person you throw a stone at wants to become an app developer now, there will be plenty of useless books and course videos which will not even scratch the surface. If you want to take your programming seriously, it is advised you begin from your basics first and for that you should begin with a properly structured material. If you do not get your basics right, you will waste a lot of time developing your app. Know things properly. Here are two courses which we would strongly recommend:

1) Foundations of Computer Programming: The Fundamentals

2) Foundations of Computer Programming: Object-Oriented Design

These courses will help you with the fundamentals you need.

Checkpoint 2) Learn Objective-C

Objective C might seem like a totally strange language when compared to other languages. You will find people debating on Swift vs Objective C. Don’t waste your time in there. You could rather start building. We give you few reasons why you must learn Objective C

● Many GitHub reports are written using in Objective C
● Many legacy codes are written in Objective C
● Many questions in Stack overflow are written in Objective C

Do you see some pattern in here? When you come across a hurdle while you are learning, would you waste time since you decided to begin with Swift? If you want to become a full time iOS developer learn Objective C first!

Checkpoint 3) Get into iOS development

Since you are done with Objective C, your next move is to learn IOS development. You must begin with this book of iOS programming to begin with your iOS development. Once you finish the book you will have learnt all the basics of the iOS app development. This is where you will learn how things could be built the right way. The book can provide you the basics you require to launch yourself and begin making great iOS apps.

Checkpoint 4) Begin developing your first iOS app

Isn’t it time you built an app you have always wanted to build? It must be a project full of passion. It could be that app you never found on store or it could be the next top app. What matters is what you wish to develop. This is vital since you are setting off on a journey that is both long and hard. You will hit many road blocks on your way and once you are done with all that, you emerge out as a successful iOS developer. Do not lose out on your hard work and determination. Do not stop if you experience failure. Do not stop at anything! Just get there!

Checkpoint 5) Begin collaborating with developers on the GitHub

It is something which you should do very soon and very often. It is difficult when you are managing other aspects and you get busy. But this one step is really vital and we tell you why it is so;

● You’ll know how you can use GIT source control
● You’ll know ways of highly experienced and intelligent drivers develop things
● You’ll know how you can analyze, segregate and go through other developers’ app coding
● You’ll get to make new friends and might even land upon an employer for yourself

Get to the GitHub and find few good iOS projects and make your contribution. Run that all and look for problems. Look for ways you can enhance the efficiency. Look for ways in which you can organize codes better. Few codes could be optimized for faster run time. It could be a problem with a new iOS update. Try and fix it.

Keep coding, be inquisitive and never give up. Follow the road-map and you are on your way to become a great iOS developer and go deep into iOS app development.