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Online surveys are becoming more and more popular with the growing use of the internet. From businesses to social networking sites and web design, different sites use online surveys to get feedback from the audience.
The feedback can be used to find out a variety of things which include the following.
- To carry out market research for new products
- To get information about consumer products
- Used to gauge the level of employee satisfaction
- To rate the service or goods provided
To get the right feedback that is required, the tools used for the survey have to identify with the audience. It can be taxing to manually create survey tools, but there are tool creators available in the market for every user. There are free survey tool creators which are good for light market research while the paid tool creators do well for in-depth research and have added features.
Paid survey tool creators
The paid tools come with features that greatly enable the success of an online survey.
• Logic – survey logic can be configured to customize questions based on previous questions the survey participant answered. For example, a question might ask ‘Do you watch football?’And the next question would then be ‘your favorite team is?’ This creates continuity in the questionnaire and is more likely to give detailed feedback.
• Customized logo – the free versions only have the tool’s logo but with the paid versions, the user can replace it with their company logo to personalize the survey.
• Variety of question types – free tool creators offer questions with multiple choices, Yes or No answers and even ratings. The paid versions will sometimes allow additional unique questions such as click maps, net promoter score and other rarer question types that enable surveyors to get unique feedback.
With this in mind, there are numerous tools to choose from. It depends on the cost and the objective of the survey. Before purchasing or downloading the survey creator, get as much information as possible to get an idea of how the application operates.
How are the survey response rates?
Once the tool creator has been chosen, the questionnaire formed should be simple and straightforward so as to increase the survey response rates. It has to be short but still have all the essential questions to make the survey a success and ensure the users complete it.
Most users prefer multiple choice questions or Yes/No questions instead of the longer versions which require lengthy answers from the survey participants. This discourages more people from answering the questionnaires since they appear even more cumbersome to mobile phone users. The shorter the questions, the higher the chances that more people will participate since the display in different devices will not be affected.
Once you get results, its critical to then share the results with your team allowing everyone to further research the data themselves and gain insights. Each team member will probably be looking at the results through a different lens so getting feedback from multiple people here is critical. An easy way to share survey results is just exporting data from your survey tool and then sharing it via a Google doc or an Excel spreadsheet. If you want team members to be able to research the data themselves you can also share the findings via specific analytics tools such as the survey response module from PanXpan.
Benefits of using mobile surveys
Increased customer participation: the online surveys cut across the board and reach out to numerous users worldwide. The shared information on product satisfaction creates a platform for the business owners to improve customer service and also find out what the clients think. An incentive ensures the users participate and they make the product known in social networking sites.
Depending on the type of business, more interactions can be created by asking the participants to suggest ideas for new products and even ways to improve the original product. This gives a direct channel to gaining more potential clients. A good way to get this working is to give rewards within the client circle. For example, for a graphic designer, rewards like discounts or free services will definitely increase the traffic to the site and eventually a bigger client base.
Live poll feedback: once the survey is launched, the feed streams live and even a busy CEO is able to have a look and interact with the users while at a meeting in the comfort of their office. This interaction then gives the participants a sense of importance, which ultimately means more business.
Increased customer satisfaction: many of the survey participants provide information on how to improve products and services. When the feedback is taken into consideration, the product or service is greatly improved. This ultimately means the customers are satisfied with the services.
With all these facts put into consideration, more surveys should be done especially when it comes to the field of graphic design. The users can give feedback and critique to as to improve the overall product. Designers can always opt for a manual survey where the participants actually meet and give their views on the services. The online survey, however, proves to be more effective as it reaches out to more people and the response rates are higher.