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Google’s new creation Google+ grown up rapidly and getting popular in social network family.

Google+ sharing system are unique. You can share your thoughts with friends, family, classmates and co-workers. It has created a section for viewing, managing and editing multimedia. Google+ also has an image editor, privacy options and sharing features.
In this article you can know about Google+ with its usability and importance in Web.

7 Ways Google+ Users Are Getting More Out of Their Circles

“Organizing your circles in Google+ can be the most confusing part of the new social network. Yet people are learning to embrace and even optimize their circles for better productivity, filtering and privacy.”

Google+: Tips and Tricks for New Users 1

10 Sleek Google+ Icons for Your Website or Blog

“Now that you’ve had a few weeks to get your feet wet with Google+, it’s time to make sure your other web properties are linking to your +Profile in style.”

Google+: Tips and Tricks for New Users 2

Google+ Tips & Tricks: 10 Hints for New Users

“Do you still consider yourself a noob when it comes to Google’s social platform? If so, we’ve got some handy hints to help you out.”

Google+: Tips and Tricks for New Users 3

How to Use Google Plus

“Waiting for a Google Plus invite? Google is rolling out the service in waves and you can expect it to become a ubiquitous social option in the coming months. We have been playing with the service since getting invites yesterday and there are a lot of things to like about Google’s new social initiative.”

Google+: Tips and Tricks for New Users 4

Is Google Plus Causing Facebook & Twitter Usage to Decline?

“I admit: it’s taken me a while to warm up to Google Plus. Several of our team were early enthusiasts, one or two suggesting that it may even replace their use of Facebook or Twitter. That got me wondering: how many Google Plus users are spending less time on Facebook and/or Twitter? I surveyed people on Google Plus about it and also did a bit of unscientific research.”

Google+: Tips and Tricks for New Users 5