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The eCommerce industry has been booming lately. And now, it definitely seems like it’s the perfect time to hop on board and set up shop online. 

After all, compared to running a regular physical store, an eCommerce site gives you the opportunity to reach a wider audience, sell more products and get your brand out there, for more people to see. 

Video Created by Dibakar Jana

However, just as important as the type of products you sell and your marketing strategy, an eCommerce site requires something more. 

And that’s good web design. You see, running an eCommerce store is quite similar to having a store inside a mall. There’s a lot of competition and the only thing that would make someone choose your store over your next door neighbor’s is the window display.

It needs to be attractive and grab attention. The same thing goes for eCommerce sites. The only difference is that the display window gets replaced by web design.

Now, just as you would talk with an interior designer to make your store stand out from the other ones inside the mall, you would talk to a web design company when creating an eCommerce website.

With that being said, let’s take a look and see what you need to look out for when creating an eCommerce site.

1. The Right Platform

This is the first important decision you have to make. Choosing the right platform will have a long-term impact on your eCommerce site. Think of it as the foundation of your business. 

The stronger it is, the better the chances are that your business will stand against the test of time. Now, there’s a wide array of platforms available, the most popular ones being Wix, WooCommerce, Shopify and Magneto.

Each one of these platforms has its own advantages and disadvantages. So, which one is the best for you? Well, it depends. 

Wix may be the best option for beginners. It’s easy to use, comes with a wide variety of themes and has handy eCommerce tools, such as multi-channel integration and abandoned cart recovery.

Whereas Shopify might be suitable for larger stores, since it comes with over 100 payment options, an in-depth inventory management system and offers more shipping options.

2. The Design

After you’ve decided which platform you are going to use, the next step is to figure out how your website is going to look.

You can even get help from a branding agency to pick your colors, logo, and brand identity.

Make sure to keep it simple. Don’t fill the screen with all sorts of banner ads, pop-ups, colors, etc. – these things will just distract the user. 

Remember that your website needs to fulfill one goal, which is selling your product. Make sure that your products are the center point of attention. 

3. Emphasize Images 

One of the best ways to ensure your products are the focal point of your website is to use high-quality product photos. 

So, how do you do it? Well, make sure to have images that showcase your product from all angles. This way, you will give the user a good idea of how the product is going to look once it’s in their hands.

You will also get your customers to trust you more. 

Furthermore, don’t hesitate on placing larger images. In fact, studies have shown that the average perceived value of a product showcased in a larger image tends to be higher compared to one displayed in a smaller one.

4. Limit Product Selection 

Surprisingly enough, offering too many products can actually negatively impact your sales. This is due to the fact that potential customers might be overwhelmed with so many options. 

Feeling overwhelmed could case them to walk away rather than choosing to buy. With that being said, make sure to limit your products to your niche and

don’t forget to let your customers find exactly what they want by implementing a search bar and filters. 

5. Social Proof 

We mentioned earlier that showcasing your products from all angles will help build trust with your customers. However, that’s not enough. 

Seeing what other customers say about your products is what will convince people to either make a purchase or not. In fact, did you know that a consumer reads around 10 reviews before making a purchase? 

Find ways to show your potential customers the feedback you’ve been getting from other people. Add product ratings, reviews and testimonials to your site. 

Encourage your customers to speak out and share the experience they’ve had with your company. Remember, the more involved your customers are on your website, the more trustworthy you’ll appear to visitors. 

Final Words 

All in all, when designing an eCommerce website, keep in mind that choosing the right platform is going to be one of the most important decisions you make. So take some time and study each one of them. 

Look for what advantages and disadvantages each platform comes with and figure out which one is most suitable for your business’s needs. 

Also, remember that your products need to be the focal point of your website, so keep it clean and use high-quality images. 

Don’t forget to give the customers the ability to filter out the products, in order to narrow down their search. Keep in mind that too many product options might drive away potential buyers. 

And finally, social proof is key for making your customers trust you, so be sure to include it in an easy-to-find spot on your website.