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The only constant is the change. And the IT industry keeps changing as it evolves every day. This brings forth far better tools and frameworks to efficiently develop software and websites that provide enhanced user experience. And with the advent of every new technology, the industry is revolutionized.
One such technology framework (in reality it’s a library and not a framework) was launched in the year 2013 named ReactJS. This versatile framework not only gained quick popularity because of its versatility but also became a preferred option for developers.

This is because there are many benefits of ReactJS. This open-source, component-based javascript framework allows developers to build high-quality UIs for web applications. And as if that’s not it, ReactJS also enables them to place the HTML code inside the javascript.
Although this framework is maintained by Facebook, it is also supported by a thriving community of expert developers. Apart from that many tech giants like Apple, Paypal, and Netflix have also adopted the best ReactJS development practices to empower their businesses.
It might also pique your interest to know that more than 30,000 websites are created with the help of the ReactJS framework. And is the top choice among developers for building single-page applications.
Now, if you are confused about whether to choose this framework for your next project or not then just read this blog through and decide for yourself.
Benefits of ReactJS
- React uses Virtual DOM for re-rendering, which means that it can run efficiently even on complex UI updates.
- React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It’s designed to help you build apps that are flexible, scalable, and fast. It’s also designed to help you develop your app incrementally.
- React is a great choice for building single-page apps.
- It has a straightforward API that allows you to focus on what matters most in your app, writing high-quality code that looks nice and works well.
- You can build complex applications with a single codebase.
- It is easy to reason about your application as you develop it using modular components.
- It allows for easy debugging and testing of your application as well as its individual components.
- It supports hot reloading, so you can modify your code without having to restart the entire app or refresh the browser window (hot reloading).
- It’s easy to learn and use. Because it’s so easy, it may seem like React is just a toy for beginners. But there is a lot of power in this library, even for experienced developers.
- It provides many tools that make working with components easier than using plain Javascript or jQuery. These include higher-order components (HOCs), JSX syntax for creating markup, etc.
- It’s modular, allowing developers to choose which parts of the library they want to use for their project
Reasons to Choose ReactJS for Your Project
Flexible web application development
React JS allows developers to build reusable and testable components that can be used as building blocks for complex applications. The component architecture makes it easier for developers to create custom applications without having to worry about how each part works together. Developers can use this library with any framework such as Angular 2 or Vue 2 (which is based on React). This makes it easy for them to transition from one framework to another if they choose to do so.
Code reuse
The component architecture makes it easy for developers to create custom applications without having to worry about how each part works together. This means that they can reuse existing code instead of writing everything from scratch each time they want to add a feature or a component to the new application.
Faster Development
ReactJS provides developers with an easy way to create user interfaces that are fast, lightweight, and maintainable. It allows you to write less code and focus on building the core feature instead of worrying about how to implement it. The result: fewer bugs and more time spent developing features instead of debugging them!
Simplified UI Design
The MVC pattern makes it easier for developers to deal with complex user interface designs as they have a clear separation between components, each having its responsibility. This makes it easier for developers who aren’t necessarily familiar with software engineering concepts such as object-oriented programming or OOP (Object Oriented Programming).
Great performance characteristics
React works well with large numbers of components and renders every time a change happens on your page, which means you don’t have to worry about re-rendering your page whenever something changes on the page or when users click something new (like a button). The rendering speed will be similar to or even faster than vanilla JavaScript because React doesn’t add unnecessary work when processing data or adding new items into lists or arrays.
ReactJS is SEO-Optimized
ReactJS is SEO-Optimized, which means that it can make your web application more visible and search engine friendly. It has a good reputation among search engines because of its powerful features and elegant design, which makes it easy to find relevant pages on your website.
It’s easier to build complex apps with ReactJS
When you use ReactJS for building your application, you have access to a wide range of tools that help you build a great user experience. The best thing about ReactJS is that it allows developers to build applications that are both simple and complex at the same time. You can use this approach to create even complex web applications without having any trouble creating them in ReactJS.
Strong community support
ReactJS has a large community to support fellow ReactJS developers, and there are many online resources for beginners to learn the basics of React. You can find a lot of tutorials on how to use React and even more books on this subject. The community is also very active and always willing to help newbies.
The developers of ReactJS have created an ecosystem that allows you to build applications in JavaScript. They have made it easy for you to learn the basics of JavaScript and how it works under the hood.
ReactJS offers a wide range of development tools
ReactJS includes a variety of important development tools:
- ReactDOM – It provides the DOM bindings layer for your application. This layer allows you to create components and define their inner state and behavior.
- React Native – This provides the native platform binding layer for your application. This allows you to write code in JavaScript that will be executed on both desktop and mobile platforms (iOS/Android).
- JSX – One of the most important tools in ReactJS which enables you to write HTML as JavaScript code. This means that you can write reusable components that are easy to reuse across multiple projects and maintainable.
- SASS (a CSS preprocessor) – This is used to create stylesheets to create HTML pages from them like Bootstrap 3 or Material Design Lite.
- Webpack – A module bundler that allows us to bundle JavaScript files into one file for better performance and SEO when we deploy our sites to the web server.
- React Router – This allows us to route data based on user input from forms or other parts of our application so that users can navigate through different parts of our application by simply clicking links on their screen instead of having to type URLs into search bars every time they want.
Right now, React JS is trending high for front-end development, and the future seems very bright too.
Although it’s almost a decade since React has been released. But the reason it’s still trending is that this library seems to be evolving and improving with every turn in the industry. And such frameworks never fade. Instead, they help you make wonders exactly like they are helping the tech giants around the world right now. So what are you waiting for?

Editorial Staff at Djdesignerlab is a team of Guest Authors managed by Dibakar Jana.