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As a designer, it can get very hard to start making money off your work. The competition is huge, which makes it really hard for new designers to stand out. However, when you’re building your own brand and community, it’s good to consider sharing your work online and offer your potential clients outstanding digital products that reflect your unique style.

By starting selling your work on marketplaces, you can build an additional passive income stream that can support you and provide a feeling of security in unsteady economic times.

What is a digital marketplace

A marketplace is a platform for selling digital products. This means that you as a designer, photographer, or developer can come to marketplaces like MasterBundles with a template for a website, as an example, and place it as your product for 50% of revenue from every sale. The graphic design marketplace works as a kind of Amazon for creative projects. 

Digital Products

MasterBundles is known for its unique product bundles with a variety of products available in one set. You can make use of this feature, collab with other vendors, combine cool products in different bundles, grow your client base and get more sales. Nonetheless, your single products can also land among the top-selling products on MasterBundles. The product versatility is outstanding, you can sell your graphic design and purchase anything starting with small, creative elements, up to different plugins for the software.

It’s a good platform to consider for those who want to sell products and get a stable passive income. If you are a designer and create any of the following products then be sure to start selling and receiving revenue from sales: 

  • Graphic elements (icons, illustrations, SVGs, patterns, textures, logos, backgrounds, infographics), 
  • Creative fonts, 
  • Templates (for presentations, postcards, certificates, invitations, landing pages, WordPress sites, etc) 
  • UI kits, 
  • Plugins for Illustrator, Photoshop, Lightroom, 
  • Stock content (footage, stock photos). 

MasterBundles also offers an affiliate program, which allows you to earn money through sales commissions that come from the referral links that you include. This offer is also available to vendors, as on the platform they can serve as both a vendor and an affiliate.

Digital Products

Key reasons why you should start selling products online

Of course, you’re looking for ways to monetize your craft, and selling digital products is the best way to do so. However, there are many more advantages and reasons to consider selling your products than you think. Some of them are the following:

You can reach wider audiences

Digital presence allows you to reach potential clients from all over the world. You can be located in Europe, but your clients in the US or any other place can also view and buy your products. It’s great, as you can quickly scale up and grow your business.

However, with the good opportunities wider reach provides, there is also a considerable drawback – the competition is huge. You’re competing with other talented designers from different countries. You can use this aspect as an additional motivation to work on your products and build a supportive client base, who appreciate and love your craft, style, and 

everything you put out.

Customer support is taken over by the marketplace

You don’t need to respond to every customer request yourself. Usually, digital marketplaces have big customer support teams, available 24/7 in different languages. Customers can reach them through email, phone, online chats, and other ways. 

It’s a great advantage, as you, as a designer, get to focus on delivering a quality product and bringing potential clients to the marketplace, while other aspects are taken care of for you.

Success can be easily measured

When you sell your digital products on various marketplaces, you have dashboards and analytics, which you can use to track your sales and see which products are performing well. You can use this data to your benefit and study your audience and their preferences. 

Low investment

Entering the marketplace as a seller is very easy. You just need to create a profile as a vendor on a popular design marketplace, upload your product, fill in all the details about the product, wait till it gets approved for publishing on the website, and then launch. No investment is actually needed. You can use various free tools and resources available online. 

If you want to be more serious about your online store, you may want to invest in better design tools, different ads, and other marketing efforts.

Sales are generated 24/7

Through selling your products online, you’ll get sales around the clock every day, as your online business is open 24/7 and available to anyone interested. You’re able to reach clients from all over the world, who may like the work you do.

Opportunities for partnerships and collaborations

There are so many creative designers, who you can reach out to and create beautiful products in collaboration. If you’re using the same platform to sell your work, it may serve as an additional connection point, which can eventually lead to more growth opportunities, increased sales, and unique products.

How designers can successfully sell digital products

There are thousands of digital products being uploaded to various marketplaces every day. The competition is extremely large, so you need to be strategic when entering the market as a new seller. Here are the most important aspects to consider for designers, who are interested in building their online store:

Focus on personalized offers

To get a higher chance of a sale, you need to make sure you fulfill your customers’ needs and requirements. You need to know your target audience and give them what they actually like. Creating personalized bundles of products may also be a good idea, as you can increase the range of your offerings and achieve a better experience for your customers.

Work on building your community

It’s important to interact with your clients and learn about them and their needs. You should promote your products on social media like Instagram or TikTok to be able to find audiences, who are interested in what you have to offer.

Create marketing strategy

When you start your online business, you need to have a certain strategy on how you’re going to reach your audience, which channels you’re going to use, and what messaging would be right for your products. It’s a lot of work, however, at the end of the day, you’ll be able to grow your business and receive a decent passive income every month.

Even though you don’t need to invest a lot of money into your products or setting up your vendor profile on the marketplace, you have to put in a lot of time to make it work. It’s worth investing resources in marketing to increase brand awareness and get more people interested in your products.


There are so many opportunities to monetize your creative works online. You just need the right digital marketplace and approach. Entering the selling market costs almost nothing, meaning the competition is growing every day. 

You need to understand that it would take some time to get an engaged client base, create great products for them, and build up your brand. Those designers who stay consistent, work hard and create amazing products see the most success when selling their products online.