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Over 600 wordpress websites go live everyday. And if your website is one of them, then you need to make sure the wordpress speed if better than others. People nowadays are exceedingly impatient, and they want instant gratification in the digital realm. As a consequence, you should have a website that can provide netizens with speedy results. 

If not, I’m afraid to say you’re out of the race before it even begins. Because if you let your customer experience and satisfaction suffer, your website’s search engine rankings and income will suffer. If you do not devote sufficient time and effort to site optimization, it will gradually deteriorate. 

However, there are simple and concrete actions you can do to improve WordPress performance and display your website in a more authoritative manner that provides customer happiness and ranks high. 

That’s why I’ve compiled a list of 5 of the finest tips for increasing the performance of your WordPress website in 2022. Discover what you’re losing out on and the precise measures you need to take to improve WordPress Speed.

WordPress Speed

1. Select a dependable WordPress host

As previously said, incorrect web hosting is the equivalent of a death sentence for your website. Keep in mind that there are several low-cost options available. Also, keep in mind that hosting is one of those areas where you get what you pay for. 

To prevent such instances, invest in a high-quality host, ideally a managed host, especially if you are just concerned with performance. Hence, you should always compare the top hosting providers before selecting one. Here is a comparison summary of the top 6 WordPress hosting providers to save your time in choosing the top WordPress host. You should also avoid shared hosting since it avoids the possibility of having terrible neighbors on your server, which might cause your site to slow down.

As a result, during peak traffic times, shared hosting will result in poorer website performance. Another choice, especially if you’re just getting started, is to go with one of the rising numbers of WordPress hosting services. This means that your site will operate on a server that has been properly optimized for WordPress, and you won’t have to worry about any of the technical aspects of maintaining a website. 

Furthermore, the cost of managed WordPress hosting is decreasing, but the cost of establishing a managed platform from scratch is prohibitively expensive.

2. Don’t overlook browser caching 

By asking the user’s browser to save “static” data on the computer, browser caching can enhance wordpress speed. These files, known as “static content,” comprise your website and include graphics, JavaScript, and CSS files. 

They are distinct from dynamic content, which varies based on the user and location. When a visitor visits your website again using this cached material, their browser will load these files from their local cache. Because they will not be uploading from your server, you will enhance load time.

There are two ways to handle browser caching:

  • Cache-control
  • Expires headers 

Both are good approaches for limiting the length of time that a specific type of file is retained on the visitor’s browser. You may use both or simply cache-control because it is more adaptable and recent. If you decide to utilize both, make sure their storage durations are configured to match.

3. Choose a faster wordpress theme

Again, this has a little impact on the performance of your website, but it does build up to some extent. Rather than selecting a flashy theme that takes a long time to load owing to a large number of features. This is because certain themes on the market are bloated wrecks. They can provide so many functions that their sheer weight slows down your site. 

Always keep in mind that these functionalities all need code to be loaded, and in many situations, this code will execute even if you are not using these features. As a result, choose a theme that contains only what you require. This keeps everything minimal and simple. As a result, you should select a theme made by reputable sources. 

When choosing a theme, always remember the adage “quality over quantity,” and choose a basic design with only the functionality you require. If you require more features in the future, you can always install plugins.

4. Optimize images to improve wordpress speed

Your images may be overly huge and take up a lot of space. It’s understandable given that they use more space than text or CSS. Because of this, you must ensure that all of your images are as compact as possible without sacrificing quality, a process known as compression. 

To acquire the greatest image optimization techniques, try TinyPNG, which allows you to optimize photos before uploading them to your WordPress website. However, ShortPixel will almost certainly produce far superior results.

When you upload images to your WordPress site, this will automatically compress them. It also has a mass optimization tool, which eliminates the need to manually improve existing images.

You can also try Jetpack Photon. This will also help you increase the wordpress speed.

If you don’t want to deal with picture optimization (though TinyPNG makes it easy), try using the WP Smush plugin or any other top WordPress image optimization plugins. It takes image optimization a step further by automatically compressing photos that you upload to your website.

5. Leverage pagination

If you have a well-established and popular blog. Then it’s very important that your site loads quickly, otherwise you risk losing credibility in the long term. When 40 or more thumbnails are attempting to load at the same time, you may notice excessive slowdowns. That is why you require the assistance of “pagination,” and you must make full use of it. 

When a user scrolls to the bottom of a blog page, they will observe pagination. It might be in the form of numbers or the phrases ‘next page’ or ‘previous page’. In summary, it is responsible for allowing you to navigate to different blog post pages.


To sum up, you don’t have to be a computer expert to optimize the speed of your WordPress website. Just remember to start your site optimization journey by checking your website speed(wordpress speed).

Also, make sure you just follow the basic measures outlined above, which should help you optimize page loading speeds. So, feel free to use some or all of the following suggestions. The good news is that even if no meaningful findings are obtained, they do not harm. That implies you may aspire to learn much more by conducting extra research, which is only a click away.