Table of Contents
With this following plugins you can manage, control, design the sidebar of your WordPress website.
Dynamic Widgets
Dynamic Widgets gives you more control over your widgets. It lets you dynamically place widgets on WordPress pages by excluding or including rules by role, for the homepage, single posts, pages, authors, categories, archives and the error page.
- User roles
- Front page
- Single post pages
- Pages
- Author pages
- Category pages
- Archive pages
- Error Page
- Search Page
Ecycler Widget
This WordPress plugin adds a sidebar widget to display your ecycler badge.
- Use this widget to promote your ecycler business in conjunction with your marketing posters.
- Use this widget to show your pledge to recycle. Ecycler is a new way to recycle.
Recent Photos
Recent Photos Plugin provides with a widget to display n numbers of recent photos from the media library in the sidebar. The display can be customized through custom css or integrated in main style sheet file. Also provides an option to use Thickbox (along with the patch code necessary for running thickbox).
- Title: Title for the widget will be displayed as per your theme
- Number of the photos: Number of photos that will be displayed in the sidebar
- Randomize: Check to display photos in random order
- Browse Photo Link: Full link to your photos/gallery page Leave blank if you don’t want to show the link.
This plugin provides a sidebar devoted available that displays the current URL of the article or the page. The size of the graphic is free to adapt and therefore adapts on to each sidebar. It is also possible to specify a descriptive text below the image to make it clear to users what is going on with the graphics up.
- The images are easily stored and can, for example in presentations, built-in.
- Should a user choose to print an article, he / she can open the original page quickly and easily by photographing the code again.
- A user who is in a hurry, you can open the page in a mobile Entgerät and read the road.
- It is a relatively new and inovative technology
Tweet Blender
Better than Twitter’s own widgets – Tweet Blender is tag-aware and has support for multiple authors, lists, hashtags, and keywords all blended together. The plugin can show tweets from just one user or a list of users (as all other Twitter plugins do); however, it can also show tweets for a topic which you can define via Twitter hashtag or keyword. But there is more! It can also show tweets for multiple authors AND multiple lists AND multiple keywords AND multiple hashtags all blended together into a single stream.
- NEW: quick, simple and secure way to insert widget into your posts and pages
- Multi-widget support – include any number of widgets in the sidebar or on the page with different sources in each.
- Database-driven efficient caching
- Widget that automatically shows relevant tweets by using post’s tags
- Allows to blend tweets from private accounts if you authorize access to your Twitter account that follows these private users (requires oAuth so PHP5 only).
Xhanch – My Quote
Xhanch – My Quote is a WordPress plugin made by Xhanch Studio to show a random quote with provided predefined quotes or your own collections. The collections of quotes are expandable for sure. We will keep adding more collections to the database. With this plugin, you can provide useful and worthy knowledge, words and information to your visitor. Else, your website will be more dynamic and more keywords-rich since the content of every pages of your WordPress website will keep changing due to this plugin.
MiniMeta Widget
“Mini” Version of the WP Meta Widget
- Different logon types (Form,Link)
- Uses redirection for logon/logout
- All standard WP Links can enabled/disabled
- Additional Admin Links (from Plugins too)
- Display Blog Links
- build in style sheet support
GRAND Flash Album Gallery
Are you looking for a better way to manage and display photos on your blogs? Then you must try this fantastic GRAND Flash Album Gallery plugin. It provides a comprehensive interface for managing photos and images through a set of admin pages, and it displays photos in a way that makes your web site look very professional. You can display galleries with a beautiful flash skins integrated with GRAND Flash Album Gallery.
- Unlimited number of pictures in slideshow.
- Flash skins: You can add and change flash skins for displaying galleries.
- Ability to automatically play slideshow.
- Customize the color of all the user controls and backgrounds.
- Full screen mode for dramatic presentations.
- Adjustable width to fit your blog.
- Media RSS feed.
My Custom Widgets
Use this plugin to create your own widgets, dublicate existing widgets and arrange them in a sidebar or anywhere else. Thanks to filter definitions you can decide wether the widget should be displayed or not for specific pages or page-types.
- define own widgets with php and/or html code
- decide where your widget should be displayed (e.g. archive-page only)
- define your own filters through plugin configuration
- widget-titles that fit into your theme can be defined and changed comfortable as well
Visitor Maps and Who’s Online
Displays Visitor Maps with location pins, city, and country. Includes a Who’s Online Sidebar to show how many users are online. Includes a Who’s Online admin dashboard to view visitor details. The visitor details include: what page the visitor is on, IP address, host lookup, online time, city, state, country, geolocation maps and more. No API key needed. Easy and Quick 4 step install.
- Configure Options from Admin panel.
- Who’s Online Admin dashboard shows visitor details of search bots, members, guests, and you.
- Optional Who’s Online widget for sidebar, or footer. Shows how many guests and members are viewing your blog.
Formspringme Updates
This plugin adds a widget to show the lastest formspring updates based on username.
- Username: username to show updates
- Title: The title that is showed in your wordpress site
- Number: The quantity of updates to show
Xhanch – My Prayer Time
Xhanch – My Prayer Time is a WordPress plugin made by Xhanch Studio to display Moslem/Islamic prayer time table based on visitor’s IP (daily and monthly).
Mortgage Loan Calculator
Mortgage Loan Calculator is a great value-add for any loan officer or real estate agent looking to provide good-looking, functional, valuable content to readers. The execution of this calculator is superb from the smooth sidebar integration, modal window results and AJAX-based graphs that are incredibly visually appealing. It’s a great little application that delivers a lot of value in a user-friendly and well-executed way.
Workout of the Day
This widget will add a new workout to your blog each day. All workout routines are created by the personal training team at WorkoutBOX.
Sidebar Photoblog
There are several photo blog plug-in for WordPress. Most of them assume that you are a professional photographer who makes lots of money via his/her camera. Sidebar Photo blog does not use lots of server resources and doesn’t have any confusing options. It uses WordPress functions to get maximum compatibility and flexibility.
- Slideshow
- Ability to show random photos
Display Widgets
Change your sidebar content with different pages. Avoid creating multiple sidebars and duplicating widgets by adding check boxes to each widget in the admin (as long as it is written in the WordPress version 2.8 format) which will either show or hide the widgets on every site page. Great for use with the Thesis WordPress Theme (aff link), or just to avoid extra coding.
Thank You Counter Button
This is the visitor’s ‘Thank you’ or ‘I like it’ clicks counter button. Every time a new visitor clicks the “Thank you” button, one point is added to the total “thanks” counter for this post which can be seen at the same button. The plugin stores its counters in the MySQL tables. Only one “thank” for this IP-address can be permitted. Plugin can skip all further “Thank you” clicks from this IP-address once it is automatically registered. IP-address click limit can be set to a time interval in seconds. Plugin has Statistics data table which shows posts list with total thanks quant for every post and time of the latest thank. Rows in the table can be filtered by posting month, category, can be sorted by thanks quant or time of latest thank in the descending or ascending order. Selected post can be viewed or edit directly from this table.
WP Social Blogroll
The plugin, formerly known as the Feed Reading blogroll, improves your blogroll by displaying the freshness and the latest post-title of your bookmarks.
Posts By Tag
Posts By Tag WordPress Plugin, provides sidebar widgets which can be used to display posts from a specific set of tags in the sidebar. The Plugin caches the posts of each widget separately, and issues database queries only when needed. This will reduce the amount of database queries involved for each page load and will therefore be light on your server.
- The set of tags whose posts should be displayed
- The number of posts to be displayed.
- Option to enable post excerpts to be displayed with post titles.
- Option to display post thumbnail if present.
- Choose the order in which the posts should be displayed.
The simplest way to turn your WordPress website into a Social Network comparable to Facebook or LinkedIn. Mingle makes it easy to create a social network for your family, church, business or even a premium membership site! Mingle uses your standard WordPress website and standard WordPress theme to create your Social Network instantly. So go ahead and try it out–give your users a more social experience on your website today!
- User Profile Pages
- Pretty Profile Urls (to help with memorability and Google Indexing)
- Ability to Upload custom avatars (falls back on Gravatar)
- User Friending
- User Profile Posting (for friends)
DMSGuestbook is an easy configurable guestbook with a lot of features.
You can customize the whole DMSGuestbook to your desire.
- Simple work on the attitudes over front-end (e.g. text color, guestbook width, border color…)
- Extended attitude possibility over the css file
- Preset DMSGuestbook caption text in different languages (e.g: german, english, swissgerman :-)…)
- Every guestbook have his own language template (NEW in 1.15.0)
- Make your own language template in few minutes
WP Auctions
WP Auctions is a revolutionary plugin for WordPress which allows you to host auctions on your blog and to sell ANYTHING, completely fee free! You no longer need to worry about listing fees, seller fees, final value fees, gallery fees or any other type of fee for anything you want to sell online from this day on! Once you list your auctions, you can register your plugin with the WP Auctions Live page and generate some traffic for your website.
List Draft Posts
List Draft Posts is a simple plugin which outputs a list of the titles of all posts currently saved as drafts. An options page allows configuration of the output. Its default options will put everything in an unordered list item, the heading in < h2 > tags, and the list of posts as an unordered list. The options page allows the user to change the markup used to suit other layouts, and to change the heading and the text used to describe posts saved without a title.
The Events Calendar
The Events Calendar plugin enables you to rapidly create and manage events using the post editor. Features include Google Maps integration as well as default templates such as a calendar grid and event list for streamlined one click installation.
- Manage event details right from your post editor
- Upcoming Events Widget
- Provides full template out of the box (month and list view)
- Extensive template tags for customization
- MU Compatible
- Google Maps Integration
- Posts are automatically moved to the top of the loop on the day of the event
- Calendar Month view with tooltips
- Includes support for venue, cost, address, start and end time, google maps link
Cimy Header Image Rotator
Displays an image that automatically rotates depending on setting. You can setup from one second up to one day and more. Intermediate settings are also possible.
Formidable Forms
Quickly and easily build forms with a simple drag-and-drop interface and in-place editing. There are dozens of form-building plugins out there to create forms, but most are confusing and overly complicated. With Formidable, it is easy to create forms within a simple drag-and-drop interface. You can construct custom forms or generate them from a template. Shortcodes can be used as well as spam catching services.
- Integrates with WP reCAPTCHA and Akismet for Spam control
- Shortcode [formidable id=x] for use in pages, posts, or text widgets for WordPress version 2.8 and above.
- Customize most HTML when editing the form (code for editing HTML when creating the form is soon to follow… and documentation too)
- Create forms from existing templates or add your own. A contact form template is included.
- Direct links available for previews and emailing surveys with and without integration with your current theme. Make these links pretty with a Pretty Link integration
- Select an email address to send form responses under “Advanced Form Options”
Better Tag Cloud
I was pretty annoyed with the default tag cloud widget. It does a lot of things wrong, like inconsistent HTML markup and hardcoded font sizes. So I wanted to write my own. Digging through the code I found out that the wordpress wp_tag_cloud() function is pretty powerful. In fact, it could do almost everyhing I want. So I abandoned my plan to rewrite everything from scratch and added a nice admin interface to my tag cloud widget.
GTPayment Donations
Easy and simple payment system, support currency CNY, USD, SGD. Intergation alipay, paypal, moneybookers, visa mastercard, china union pay payment system. GTPayment is the world’s premium Payment Service Provider. It is compatible with most of popular e-payment platforms worldwide. We provide not only e-payment channels for enterprise and individuals users, but also local and international e-payment solutions for customers in different countries. Our scalable online payment platform offers an unrivaled portfolio of local payment methods in over 100 countries and for 80 currencies, which enables you to realize your global ambitions and expand your e-commerce activities across the world.
Zopim Live Chat
What if your website could talk? Zopim increases engagement between you and your visitors, by allowing them to chat with you! Great for improving interaction with your users and increasing the time they spend on your site.
- Installation happens in a flash – 60 seconds setup!
- Choose to reply to visitors via your favorite IM client or the high productivity Dashboard
- Know exactly who enters your site! The name and email is automatically detected if he is a WordPress user.
- Monitor visitors live as they surf, including their entry, location, history, current URL, repeat visitors etc
- Customize widget look and feel: themes, colours, positions, greeting message.
WordPress Ultimate Toolkit
WordPress Ultimate Toolkit(WUT), which helps you control the output of WordPress better, is a set of admin tools, widgets and components.
Image Widget
Simple image widget that uses native WordPress upload thickbox to add image widgets to your site.
- Integrates with WP reCAPTCHA and Akismet for Spam control
- Shortcode [formidable id=x] for use in pages, posts, or text widgets for WordPress version 2.8 and above.

UI/UX Consultant, Photoshop, XD, SketchApp, Product Designer, Website Designer, Mobile App Designer, Expert WordPress Developer. For web/mobile design and wordpress development related projects please contact me at