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If you are reading this article then I am sure you want to increase your Instagram Followers. There are several ways you can do that. Good content will always get your followers but as there are millions of Instagram users, its hard to reach the correct audience.
You can use a paid service to increase your Instagram followers. Its also very hard to find the right paid service. There are many services available. Such as Sprout Social, HootSuite, SocialMeep, etc. Many users have also posted reviews such as SocialMeeps is a scam, Hootsuite – Sneaky Contract Renews, No Flexibility, No Communication, etc. Make sure you check the user reviews of these services before using them.
Ultimately, reading reviews is the best way to ensure that you make the right decision for your Instagram account. Comparing a few different Instagram growth services ensures that your marketing budget will be spent on tools and platforms that will help your profile to get the results you need to succeed. With this in mind, remember to always exercise caution when purchasing Instagram followers for the first time.

If you want organic followers then check the Tips below, which will get people naturally noticing your username and might check your account out.
1. Like Photos That Are Part Of Your Niche
Susan Peterson (Freshly Picked CEO) spoke at an online conference that I attended, and she discussed how she has been able to grow her Instagram account to nearly 400,000 followers. She talked about how she would spend hours in the early days liking other’s photos every night. She suggested that you go through someone’s account and like 5 to 10 of their photos. It can also be helpful to follow them and leave a useful comment.
That helps with getting your name in circulation and helps other users find you. I recommend that you mostly do this with users who are part of your niche. To find others in your niche, check out the followers of some of your favorites on Instagram and check hashtags. In general, be genuine instead of spammy – no one has time for spam these days.
2. Get a Theme Created For Your Photos
If you follow the advice given in my first tip, people will start naturally noticing your username and might check your account out. So make sure you have things in there they will love. It is really useful to create a theme to use for your Instagram account. Write a couple of words down that you would like for people to associate with your Instagram account.
For my account, I am hoping people think that it is full of love, is artistic and bright. So what words could be used to describe your account? After you have chosen a theme, try your best to stick with it. A couple of accounts that are really killing it include Jessica Safko, Wonderforest and Studio DIY.
3. Socialize
There is a reason why they call it social media! Leave comments on others photos and respond to all comments that you receive. Do your best to leave genuine comments to encourage more photos to be posted rather than leaving canned remarks like “cute dress”.
4. Create Your Own Hashtag and Then Encourage People to Also Use It
Doing this is an excellent way obtaining new comment and building a community. First create your own unique hashtag (check to make sure that it isn’t being used already) and then ask your followers to use it as well. Your hashtag will work best if it has a certain purpose. For instance, followers of A Beautiful Mess are encourage to use the hashtag #ABMLifeIsColorful on their happy, colorful photos.
After you start using the hashtag and other people do also, you can repost your followers images (while giving them credit). This helps to build community and also shows your followers how much you appreciate your photos. Your account also gets extra content that way.
5. Run a Contest to get more Instagram Followers
Try hosting a content, you would like to give something away. Do you need some ideas for your contest? Get your users to repost a certain image and then in the caption tag you. Or have them use your hashtag with their images. Another thing you can try is a loop giveway to collaborate with others on Instagram.
6. Ask Your Followers on Other Platforms To Follow You On Instagram As Well
If you have a Facebook or Twitter account or your own blog, you may assume these people already follow you on all of your platforms. However, they probably don’t. Send out a quick tweet encouraging people to follow you on Instagram. You might be surprised how many followers it can bring in.
7. Encourage Your Follows to Act
It might sound really simple, however it is more likely that people will do something when you ask them to. You can share a quote and then ask people to “like” it if they happen to agree. If you are sharing something relatable or funny ask followers to tag their friends. When you put out an idea, it helps to encourage your followers to take action.
8. Get More Instagram Followers
One great way to get more followers is by looking successful. This can be done through photos for certain, or by adding to your follower list. One good way of bumping them up is using a service such as Buzzoid. By adding more followers like this you seem more popular and people will see success and want to be part of whatever you’re offering.
9. Geotag Your Photos
Have you posted a photo of a cool city or restaurant that you visited recently? If so, geotag it! When you do that, other people using the same geotag will see your photo and might follow you since you have a lot in common. Geotagging photos refers to tagging them with a location.
10. Get Your Instagram Account Linked Up With Other Networks
This will help your followers on your other networks find your Instagram account so they can follow you there also.
11. Contact Popular Users for Collaboration
Ask other Instagram users if they would like you to be a guest contributor. Or you could get an Instagram challenge started that includes daily prompts. Try to think of creative and fun ways to collaborate with others.
12. Determine What Your Audience Likes
Do some research. Review your photos and figure out which ones got the most comments and likes – as well as the least, of course. What resonates with your audience the most and why? How can more photo like that be incorporated into your feed.

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