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Adobe Photoshop is today’s most powerful software to create a web layout and image editing or graphics creation.

To begin with Photoshop you have to learn the basics of the software as well as its tools and advantages. Along with any renowned Institute for Photoshop learning, a beginner should visit some essential tutorials to learn properly. Today I present 10 Most Essential Basic Tutorials for Photoshop Beginners.

Getting Started with Photoshop

10 Most Essential Basic Tutorials for Photoshop Beginners 1

Photoshop’s Toolbox

10 Most Essential Basic Tutorials for Photoshop Beginners 2

7 Things Photoshop Does Automatically

10 Most Essential Basic Tutorials for Photoshop Beginners 3

Working With Tabbed and Floating Documents In Photoshop

10 Most Essential Basic Tutorials for Photoshop Beginners 4

Photoshop Brush Tool: A Basic Guide

10 Most Essential Basic Tutorials for Photoshop Beginners 5

Comprehensive Guide to Color in Photoshop – Swatches

10 Most Essential Basic Tutorials for Photoshop Beginners 6

Photoshop’s Pen Tool: The Comprehensive Guide

10 Most Essential Basic Tutorials for Photoshop Beginners 7

Understanding Layer Masks In Photoshop

10 Most Essential Basic Tutorials for Photoshop Beginners 8

Working with Layer Styles – understanding Bevel and Emboss

10 Most Essential Basic Tutorials for Photoshop Beginners 9

Installing and Managing Brushes And Other Presets

10 Most Essential Basic Tutorials for Photoshop Beginners 10