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Wikipedia, the bright example of CMS (Content Management System) is popular for its simplicity.

For example, simple layout, content editing, post job listing, easy to creation and sharing etc. Do you want these advantages in your website? Please read this article carefully, here you can see 10 Excellent Wiki CMS to Create Own Wikipedia. Enjoy!

Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

What is Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware? Tiki is a powerful, web-based application, created by a large team of contributors. Tiki is the ideal tool for you to build and maintain your Website/Wiki/Groupware/CMS/Forum/Blog/Bug Tracker or any other project you can imagine running in your browser window.

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Foswiki is a wiki, so you and your team members can collaborate and edit pages directly in the web browser. For advanced collaboration, Foswiki lets you enter macros to automate pages and build entire applications from within your browser.

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Boopsie will offer access to CoverCake’s book discovery platform which makes it easy for consumers to find books mentioned by popular media such as news magazine, radio and daytime talk shows. Access to CoverCake content will be offered as a channel option for public and academic libraries that wish to make it available via Boopsie for Libraries mobile apps.

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Canvas ColdFusion Wiki

Canvas is a ColdFusion Wiki built to allow for community-based editing of content. It follows basic Wiki standards by allowing anyone to edit content, while keeping careful track of the history of each document added to the Wiki. Canvas was built using Model-Glue.

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TWiki is a flexible, powerful, and easy to use enterprise wiki, enterprise collaboration platform, and web application platform. It is a Structured Wiki, typically used to run a project development space, a document management system, a knowledge base, or any other groupware tool, on an intranet, extranet or the Internet. Users without programming skills can create web applications. Developers can extend the functionality of TWiki with Plugins.

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The XWiki project offers both a generic platform for developing collaborative applications using the wiki paradigm and products developed on top of it. All XWiki software is developed in Java and under the LGPL open source license.

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One place online for teams to collaborate and capture knowledge – create, share, and discuss your files, ideas, minutes, specs, mockups, diagrams, and projects.
A powerful rich editor, integration with Office and JIRA, and hundreds of add-ons help teams create intranets, technical documentation, and knowledge bases.

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MediaWiki is a free software open source wiki package written in PHP, originally for use on Wikipedia. It is now used by several other projects of the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation and by many other wikis, including this website, the home of MediaWiki.

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