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There is an open area in Photoshop to experiment with some amazing effects.

You can play with any image in Photoshop creating some Lighting Effects which can be used in your upcoming print or web design. This article provides some Advanced Photoshop Tutorials for Lighting Effects.

Advanced Glow Effects

10 Advanced Photoshop Tutorials for Lighting Effects 1

Show me the light – Digital Art Tutorial

10 Advanced Photoshop Tutorials for Lighting Effects 2

Space Lighting Effects in 10 Steps – Photoshop Tutorial

10 Advanced Photoshop Tutorials for Lighting Effects 3

Really cool Eclipse Effect in Photoshop

10 Advanced Photoshop Tutorials for Lighting Effects 4

Create an Electrifying Light Guitar

10 Advanced Photoshop Tutorials for Lighting Effects 5

How to Create Intense Light Streaks in Photoshop

10 Advanced Photoshop Tutorials for Lighting Effects 6

Amazing Photoshop light effect in 10 Steps

10 Advanced Photoshop Tutorials for Lighting Effects 7

Design a Vibrant Blackberry Inspired Ad in Photoshop

(by diane at tforge)

10 Advanced Photoshop Tutorials for Lighting Effects 8

Windows Vista Aurora Effect Photoshop Tutorial

10 Advanced Photoshop Tutorials for Lighting Effects 9

A Cool Lighting Effect in Photoshop

10 Advanced Photoshop Tutorials for Lighting Effects 10