Table of Contents
In this article I have showcased first version of Free Applications for Mac Users.
Today Mac Users are growing all over the world. And its popularity is growing fast. Many small and big company has developed many Applications. Here You can download a few of them. Few because there are lots more. Wait for my next article, I will showcase more applications for mac users. Enjoy and spread the love.
Prevent Your Mac from Automatically Going to Sleep, Dimming the Screen or Starting Screen Savers.
The Unarchiver
Archive Unpacker Program for Mac OS X.
DockSpaces is a small application that allows you to have up to 10 different docks, and swap them from the menu bar.
Simple To-Do List Application.
Notification System for Mac OS X which allows your Growl-supported applications to send you notifications.
To-Do List Application that Synchronizes with iCal and Mail.
Rename List of Files Quickly and Easily.
Adobe Kuler
The web-hosted application for generating color themes that can inspire any project. No matter what you’re creating, with Kuler you can experiment quickly with color variations and browse thousands of themes from the Kuler community.
YemuZip is an easy-to-use application for making zip files. Just drag, drop, name your zip file and you’re done.
Dropbox allows you to sync your files online and across your computers automatically.
A Unified, Extensible Interface for Working with Applications, Contacts, Music, and Other Data.
Tool to Track Timeline for Different Tasks and Projects.
Paparazzi! is a small utility for Mac OS X that makes screenshots of webpages.
Symbol Caddy
The Symbol Caddy Dashboard widget keeps a bunch of common special characters at your fingertips.
Camouflage is a tool to Hide All Icons Behind Wallpaper.
DateLine displays a linear calendar on your Mac desktop which provides easy access to iCal and your events. The appearance of the DateLine is endlessly customizable and themeable.
Synchronizer for Mac to Organize Documents, Text Messages, Contacts, etc.
Save All of Your Documents to Avoid Data Loss During Applications Crash.
Pref Setter
Pref Setter is an application used to edit plist (Property LIST) files, geared towards viewing / editing Mac OS X’s preference files. Very useful for setting those “hidden†preference settings that aren’t available directly in an application.
SMART Reporter
SMARTReporter is an application that can warn you of some hard disk drive failures before they actually happen! It does so by periodically polling the S.M.A.R.T. status of your hard disk drive. S.M.A.R.T. (Self-Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology) is a technology built into most modern hard disk drives that acts as an “early warning system” for pending hard disk drive problems.
SMARTReporter can notify you of impending hard disk drive failures by sending e-mails, displaying a warning dialog or executing an application. The current status of your hard disk drives is always displayed through the customizable menu item.
It is an application launcher, and is operated via the status menu.
AppFresh helps you to keep all applications, widgets, preference panes and application plugins installed on your Mac up to date.
All from one place, easy to use and fully integrated into Mac OS X. AppFresh works by checking the excellent for new versions and lets you download and install available updates easily.
Punakea is a little app trying to help you cope with the day-to-day struggle of managing your files. Designed to complement Spotlight, it allows you to tag your files and bookmarks, freeing you of the strict hierarchy of the Finder’s folder structure.
Burn your files to a disc so you can access them later on. Choose different file systems so you can share your files with people with different operating systems.
TextWrangler is the powerful general purpose text editor, and Unix and server administrator’s tool.
An Editor for Text, HTML, LaTeX, C++, Java, Python, Perl, Ruby, PHP and more…
Adobe Reader
Read PDF files with this Adobe Acrobat reader.
Loginox is an application which lets you easily customize the login screen.
Mactracker provides detailed information on every Apple Macintosh computer ever made, including items such as processor speed, memory, optical drives, graphic cards, supported Mac OS versions, and expansion options.
Also included is information on Apple mice, keyboards, displays, printers, scanners, digital cameras, iPod, Apple TV, iPhone, iPad, Wi-Fi Cards/Base Stations, Newton, and Mac OS versions.
Using built-in functionality of Mac OS X, PresentYourApps lets you hide the Dock and menu bar for every Cocoa application you choose.
Traditionally, chat clients on the Mac have been anything but glamorous. Colloquy is an advanced IRC, SILC & ICB client which aims to fill this void. By adhering to Mac OS X interface conventions, Colloquy has the look and feel of a quality Mac application.
Messenger for Mac 7 gives co-workers new ways to communicate easily with each other in different locations or time zones. Additionally, personal users will find a few improvements for managing their contact lists.
Skype for Mac.
Backdrop is a simple utility to fill your screen with a giant blank window. Fill the window with a solid color or a custom image, your choice.
Service Scrubber
With Service Scrubber, you can restructure the services menu, change service keyboard shortcuts, disable and re-enable services.
Witch lets you access all of your windows by pressing a shortcut and choosing from a clearly arranged list of window titles.
Flickr Uploadr
Tool to Help You Send Pictures to Flickr Photo Service.
Cyberduck is an open source FTP, SFTP, WebDAV, Cloud Files and Amazon S3 browser for the Mac.
Name Mangler
If you need to rename several files at once every now and then, this is the application you have always been looking for.
Name Mangler is a batch file renamer that supports all common renaming tasks: Find and Replace (including support for regular expressions); Number Sequentially; Change Case; Set Extension; Add Prefix/Suffix; Remove/Insert Characters.

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