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“Labor Omnia Vincit”
The above-mentioned quote says it all that is hard work always wins, however, at present we have an entirely different scenario.
Hard work today is a perfect combination of smart work plus planned effort. The basic aim of a website other than catering information is to offer a pleasant and satisfying User Experience.
Regardless of how massive a website is in-terms of bandwidth or even the designing interface, if it fails visitors in terms of UX then, it will be termed as a bad investment. Websites ranging from a lucid blog to a full-fledged e-commerce portal, the basic aim of every web portal is to providing a good user experience.
If you are one of those, who emphasize a lot on user experience then you must have heard about ‘responsive website design’ and if not then, let me have the honor of introducing it to you. ‘Responsive website design’ is the process of creating highly flexible web pages that can seamlessly fit in different screen resolutions and viewing environments. This elasticity of web page offers a pleasant user experience to the visitor, who is accessing the website from devices with an entirely different resolution.
Some of the popular applications associated with responsive website design include names like CS5.5, Adobe Device, Gridless, Skeleton and many more. What I have seen now days is that online entrepreneurs are blindly following the responsive design trend without even realizing if there is actually a need for it! This article is a reference for those who are still following this rapidly spreading trend of responsiveness blindly, without actually understanding the concept.
What Lead To The Rise Of This Trend?
With the advent of internet, the face of commercialization was going through a whirlwind change, but in the initial stages entrepreneurs were focusing on websites that fitted desktops really well; as desktops were the only device used to access the internet back then. At that time, everyone was ready to go with that kind of a website. However, things started to change with the creation of laptops and later on net books, tabs, e-readers and now we have smart phones that have ignited a revolution. In this era, wherein Android and iOS are going loggerheads, it may be very amusing that millions amongst us have adopted these comparatively smaller screens to browse the WWW. However, user experience initially through devices with smaller screens was very less due to issues like blurred pictures, irritable navigation and unreadable texts to name few. Above all these websites also took too long to load.
Developing a user centric website or introducing separate versions of a website was not a perfect solution to all the problems that online entrepreneurs were facing. With new phones being introduced every now n’ then, the only solution to their issues was creating a website that could automatically adjust according to the viewing environment of the user. As a result, the trend of responsive website design started prevailing!
The fundamental technique behind responsive website design is ‘Media Query’, which inherits a wide range of layouts and grids that are extremely dynamic and can adapt to any given environment. Media Queries are a part of CSS3 that can detect the user’s screen resolution and the browser as per which the pages are then rendered. If you feel that bounce rate of your website is high then instead of jumping to a sudden decision of going for a responsive web design, you should analyze the reason behind such poor performance. Moreover, you can start by conceptualizing and identifying your target audience and the device they use to browse you website.
Classification Of Websites Based On Their Nature
As a result of the modern revolution created by Internet, users started to reach out to web in search of wide variety of products ranging from clothing, books, accessories and many more. Yes! We’re talking about e-commerce portals that have assisted users in ‘purchasing items of their choice within the comfort level of their homes’, the X-factor of these websites. Now, the main question of any person owning an e-commerce portal will be whether to go for a responsive website design or not! Well, given the situation if you’re focusing on any general product, which irrespective of any viewing environment generates the same level of curiosity among the viewers. Then in such cases going for a responsive website design may prove to be a fruitful idea.
Contrary to it, if you wish to offer a luxury class item, especially with the likes of pearls or any other valuable jewelery then your potential user will always prefer a much bigger screen compared to a small one. Therefore, responsive website design in this case will not be as effective as in the first case. Considering both the scenarios can assist you in coming to an apt conclusion.
Similarly, information portals can also be categorized under two heads, one dealing in any common subject of interest like number of spas present in a given zone while the other category can be of an online encyclopedia, which caters a wide array of audience regardless of their age. In the first case, the website should be optimized in a manner such that it seems fit enough for even a mobile screens with the lies of a Blackberry or even a iPhone, whereas in case of deep information portals like online encyclopedias can be optimized to the extent of an iPad or a tablet, which have comparatively larger screens and prove to be more comfortable to read as compared to the screen of a mobile phone.
Educational portals
Education has traveled a long way from the world of books to online study courses that we have right now. Educational portals that we have today are an interface powered by flash and exceptional scripting platforms like PHP to make user experience flawless. If an educational portal is more about reading then, optimizing the same to the extent of an iPad or even a iPhone will be a good idea however, if there are interactive tools like online classroom or virtual classes then considering a ‘native application’ can be fruitful.
Service Portals
Similarly, in case of service websites if they wish to focus just on imagery then a responsive website design limited to smaller screens like that of an iPhone or even a BB may do good for the business. However, if the firm wishes to cater ample information then optimization of the website suited to larger screens that of an iPad or a Tablet would be a much better option. With the help of a responsive website design, visitors are able to easily locate the USPs of the website, which results in better conversion rate :). This reminds me of the fact that pharmaceuticals are way behind when it comes to responsive website designs (This is what I have noticed and observed).
Portfolio Portals
A Port Folio website is considered to be the best platform wherein a professional/firm can showcase it’s work in the best manner for others to take a look at. Generally professional associated with fields like website designing, graphic design, advertising, film production, etc. are the ones engaged in crafting portfolio websites, so as to gain enough deserved attention. Some young entrepreneurs are very much into smart phones and other hand held devices like iPad and prefer to browse web on the move, which is why going for a responsive website design will prove to be very profitable move.
Responsive website design is a new trend and following new trends create monumental impact on the viewers too! Therefore, going responsive may prove to be an intelligent move.
Responsive website design may be a momentous trend at present but following a trend blindly is not a healthy option for any entrepreneur as every business caters a specific industry as per its Unique Selling Proposition. You have to identify your USP and also the products & services you wish to highlight. I’m sure this post will prove to be of help to those who till now considered responsive website design to be a savior. Website requires ‘smart marketing’ rather than just following the trends that are set by others.

UI/UX Consultant, Photoshop, XD, SketchApp, Product Designer, Website Designer, Mobile App Designer, Expert WordPress Developer. For web/mobile design and wordpress development related projects please contact me at