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Resume is a comprehensive document.

Where an individual mentions his educational qualifications, skills, fortes, experiences, and all other information that is relevant to an employer. These are the first point of contact between potential candidates and an employer who is seeking the service of a qualified professional. Therefore, your resume ought to be different from the rest so as to get identified among the hundreds of resumes that come to the recruiter every day. This is why many people turn to companies like Arc Resumes to help them create the perfect resume for prospective employers. Undoubtedly, the skills and experience of an individual are extremely important for bagging a good job, but along with that the design of the resume is also important. 

Here you go

Innovative resume designs are especially expected from professionals, who are associated with the creative sectors like graphic designing, logo designers and others. They can design their resume creatively to showcase their skills and aptitude before the employers and thereby make a positive impression before them.

Apart from all the degrees and experiences earned by them, the innovative resume design will itself do all the talking about their skills and proficients and thus converting their dream job will be much easier. Innovative resume design will be particularly helpful for the fresher’s who have little experience to show off in the resume.
Here are twenty five most innovative resume designs that have helped in creating a lasting impression before the employers. These examples will be extremely helpful for the newcomers in the designing industry as they can draw inspiration from these examples to come up with their exclusive resume design and thereafter kick-start their career.


Resume Design


25 Innovative Resume Designs to Impress your Recruiter 1

Resume Confidential

25 Innovative Resume Designs to Impress your Recruiter 2


25 Innovative Resume Designs to Impress your Recruiter 3


25 Innovative Resume Designs to Impress your Recruiter 4

The old online version of my resume

25 Innovative Resume Designs to Impress your Recruiter 5


25 Innovative Resume Designs to Impress your Recruiter 6

My creative resume

25 Innovative Resume Designs to Impress your Recruiter 7


25 Innovative Resume Designs to Impress your Recruiter 8

My Resume by Orbit

25 Innovative Resume Designs to Impress your Recruiter 9

Resume by 3 Cloudz

25 Innovative Resume Designs to Impress your Recruiter 10

My Graphic Design Resume

25 Innovative Resume Designs to Impress your Recruiter 11

Resume by Clear Sky Suite

25 Innovative Resume Designs to Impress your Recruiter 12


25 Innovative Resume Designs to Impress your Recruiter 13


25 Innovative Resume Designs to Impress your Recruiter 14

Design Resume

25 Innovative Resume Designs to Impress your Recruiter 15

Emad Navy CV(Resume)

25 Innovative Resume Designs to Impress your Recruiter 16

Resume – Beach Theme

25 Innovative Resume Designs to Impress your Recruiter 17

I Cart Resume

25 Innovative Resume Designs to Impress your Recruiter 18


25 Innovative Resume Designs to Impress your Recruiter 19


25 Innovative Resume Designs to Impress your Recruiter 20