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Senior Designers always want to attract buyers in design community.
Professionals want to earn money in showing their creativity and make themselves popular among buyers and clients.
This article shows you how a designer makes his design attractive for buyers.
Read the nature and taste of your client/buyer
At first your task should have keep patience to read the nature and taste of your client or buyer. Before make a decisive point, ask him/her briefly about the project to make sure both you and your client’s vision are same.
Image: Michal Marcol
Try to give first priority for design tips of your client
It’s better if you ask your client few examples of design of his/her own choice. You can input few touch of colors that your client like generally. In this process you can grab an fair impact to your client for the design.
Image: Ambro
Give you concept with some touchable points
You have to think coolly and give your client a fresh idea with creative concept that can easily acceptable to your client. Keep in mind you have no time to waste, so make sure about the concept to your client.
Image: photostock
Make the design visually attractive
Make the design so that your client like it at a glance. Your design should be in great shape and sharpness with visually appealing and pleasing.
Image: Ambro
Show few options of your design to choose
Some time your client like to choose from few variety of the design. So make two/three mock ups of the design with closest variety in color scheme or font selection etc. keep the layout nearly the same.
Image: photostock
Try to convince your client for the design
When your client not pleased fully with the design, you have to hear the feedback of your client and make the changes gladly and explain the details of plus points of the design that should not be change. You have to insist the client smoothly to accept the design.
Image: photostock
You have to keep patience with your client
Sometime clients want you to change the design frequently that must irritate you. In that case you have to keep patience and steadily explain your design status in your favor.
Image: Ambro
Always ask specific feedback from your client
Ask your client to give specific feedback so that you can modify the design in proper direction. To improve the design quality you have to keep in mind the main points of feedback.
Image: Stuart Miles
Try to finish the design on time or before time
You have to maintain timeline to deliver the product. Always complete the design well before time so that few changes can be done within the schedule time. Most of the clients like punctuality of a designer.
Image: Nutdanai Apikhomboonwaroot
Do not charge high rate for a design or not try to bargain
Make sure your rate is perfect for the client. Because, a good client is precious for you. Explain your client for the price you charged for the specific design.
Image: Ambro

UI/UX Consultant, Photoshop, XD, SketchApp, Product Designer, Website Designer, Mobile App Designer, Expert WordPress Developer. For web/mobile design and wordpress development related projects please contact me at