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QR is the abbreviation for Quick Response, as the creator intended the code to allow its contents to be decoded at high speed.
The technology has seen a large uptake in Japan and South Korea. However, broke into Europe a while back, and is now getting traction in USA. QR codes storing addresses and Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) may appear in magazines, on signs, buses, business cards, or almost any object about which users might need information. Users with a camera phone equipped with the correct reader application can scan the image of the QR code to display text, contact information, connect to a wireless network, or open a web page in the phone’s browser.
Structure of a QR code
Although initially used for tracking parts in vehicle manufacturing, QR codes are now used in a much broader context, including both commercial tracking applications and convenience-oriented applications aimed at mobile phone users.
With the i-nigma reader installed on your mobile, you will be ready to decode mobile barcodes and connect direct to the mobile internet.
Kaywa Reader
Activate the Kaywa Reader and hover your camera phone over the QR-Codes.
The NeoReader is a universal barcode scanning application that transforms your mobile phone into a barcode scanner and allows you to access mobile web content by scanning codes from print ads, publication, packaging, billboards, retail display, broadcast media, or any other medium.
BagCapture permits to decode images of barcodes at your computer. Navigate to a WEB site, to a blog. Interested in knowing what this QR Code (or Data Matrix) hides underneath? Launch BarCapture, press on the crop button, frame the barcode using the crop tool, and that is all.
Firefox Mobile Barcode Add-On
Mobile Barcoder generates 2D barcodes of URLs and text selections so that you can transfer that information to your mobile easily.
Chrome QR-code tag extension
This QR-code tag extension generates a QR-code tag for the URL in the current tab open in Chrome or any link, text selection or image on a web page. Only right click and choose “Generate QR-code for this…”. The tag can be scanned with a QR-code scanner/barcode scanner which could interpret the code and for instance launch the browser on a mobile phone jumping directly to the same URL.

UI/UX Consultant, Photoshop, XD, SketchApp, Product Designer, Website Designer, Mobile App Designer, Expert WordPress Developer. For web/mobile design and wordpress development related projects please contact me at